
Match 1 - 18:00 Mar 19 Dic 2023 Torna Indietro
1 - 1
2 - 2
2 - 3
1 - 2

1 Porter

2 Lambie


4 Negus

5 POWER 2  

6 Mercep 1  

7 Pavillard 1  

8 Maksimovic

9 Byrnes

10 Slobodien

11 Poot 1  

12 Edwards 1  

13 Hedges

Coach: Hamill

1 Lazovic

2 Brguljan

3 Macic

4 Vujovic

5 Banicevic

6 Popadic 2  

7 Vidovic 3  

8 Durdic 1  

9 Ukropina

10 Spaic

11 Matkovic 2  

12 Radovic

13 Tesanovic

Coach: Gojkovic

  • Tempo: 1
  • Tempo: 2
  • Tempo: 3
  • Tempo: 4

03:31 Australia: Pavillard action goal

07:07 Montenegro: Durdic action goal

00:37 Australia: Edwards extra player goal

02:14 Montenegro: Popadic action goal

06:30 Montenegro: Matkovic extra player goal

07:38 Australia: POWER action goal

01:32 Montenegro: Vidovic action goal

04:50 Montenegro: Popadic extra player goal

05:53 Australia: POWER extra player goal

06:30 Montenegro: Matkovic extra player goal

06:42 Australia: Poot penalty goal

02:02 Montenegro: Vidovic extra player goal

02:45 Australia: Byrnes exclusion with substitution

02:55 Montenegro: Vidovic extra player goal

05:40 Montenegro: Radovic exclusion with substitution

05:45 Australia: Mercep extra player goal

Pavillard (A) missed a penalty in the first time (stopped by Tesanovic) at 2.40. Edwards (A) missed a penalty in the four time at 2.30 (over the bar). Extraplayer: Australia 3/9 + 3 pen, Montenegro /11. Montenegro changes goalkeeper in the third time: Lazovic sobstitute Tesanovic. Third foul: Byrnes (A), Radovic (M) in the fourth time.
Arbitri: Colombo (Ita) Bourges (Fra)
Visualizza la sintesi della partita
Australia-Montenegro 6-8

Australia: Porter , Lambie , Ford , Negus , Power 2, Mercep 1, Pavillard 1, Maksimovic , Byrnes , Slobodien , Poot 1, Edwards 1, Hedges . All. Hamill

Montenegro: Lazovic , Brguljan , Macic , Vujovic , Banicevic , Popadic 2, Vidovic 3, Durdic 1, Ukropina , Spaic , Matkovic 2, Radovic , Tesanovic . All. Gojkovic

Arbitri: Colombo (Ita), Bourges (Fra)


Parziali: 1-1 2-2 2-3 1-2 Pavillard (A) missed a penalty in the first time (stopped by Tesanovic) at 2.40. Edwards (A) missed a penalty in the four time at 2.30 (over the bar). Extraplayer: Australia 3/9 + 3 pen, Montenegro /11. Montenegro changes goalkeeper in the third time: Lazovic sobstitute Tesanovic. Third foul: Byrnes (A), Radovic (M) in the fourth time.